Monday, June 06, 2005

Jesus was a Blogger

Without too much of a stretch, we can compare Blogging to words of Jesus, especially his words to the Pharisees and other leaders. His words were challenging and controversial and he didn’t seem to care about the consequences. Of course, he didn’t say things just to piss people off – he chose his words carefully and out of compassion.

By associating himself with tax collectors and sinners; by declaring that God desires mercy and not sacrifice, Jesus was challenging his own tradition, including some passages of the Hebrew Scriptures. Or at least his interpretation of scripture was different than the Pharisees.

We should not be afraid to take Jesus’ initiative and critically examine our own beliefs, practices, and scriptures. What does the Bible have to say about justice? Are gay marriage and abortion the only justice issues (no matter what your beliefs on these controversial topics)? What about concern the elderly and orphans, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and caring for the sick? We can read plenty about these justice issues in the scriptures.

We should not be afraid to deconstruct our own idyllic and ideological God-constructions, especially when we understand that what we believe about God not only shapes our lives personally but also influences, through our collective actions, the community in which we live, our state, country, and ultimately world.


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