Monday, May 11, 2009

Emergency Help for My Friend in Mexico

I know its been a long, long time since I've blogged. The following post comes from a good friend of mine in Mexico. I can personally attest to the need to provide "food packages" to some of the poorest people I have ever had the privilege of meeting.

If you would like to help, you can email me for more information. Any small amount will go a long way to helping those who need it most. All money will go directly to the people who need it most (not to overhead, administration, etc.)

Please read on...

This has been a particularly difficult year for our country: the economic crisis, the presence each day of organized crime, the contamination problems, and now the serious sanitary crisis for the outbreak of a new type of virus that attacks the population. In general, they take us as being en a state of alert.

This is a hard test of faith for all the citizens of this country; the people fear for their health and for their security. For preventative measures, we have made the decision to send the students home, following the recommendations of the federal government.

Thinking a little of the future, we want to invite you to participate in our fund for emergencies. We know that, due to this health crisis, many people are left without employment and without means of survival. For that, we would like to increase our food and water program in communities of limited resources. If you are interested in that, do not hesitate to send me an email in order to receive more information about it.

Also, we ask for prayers. In this very difficult time for our country and for our people, there is nothing better than the protecting hand of our Lord, taking the load for us. We are convicted that without the help of God, we could not get very far.

We very much appreciate your friendship and your prayers. We will continue confiding in God and doing our work as much as we can.

We know that the crisis is the ideal time to reinforce our faith and that separated from God, we can do nothing.

We send you a great greeting.

Samuel Rodriguez


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